Git Repo


Researching git related terms:


a.     Version control software – also known as VCS is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. (Git). The VCS allows someone to make changes to the project, known as commits, within the project’s repository. It will then save a snapshot of the project with the changes made to it. Multiple people can access the repository, make changes, and commit those changes to the repository. The former project will still be kept within the repository along with the updated version of the project.  

b.     Add – This is the git command that will add file contents to the staging area. The contents of the working tree are updated during the Add, and then moved to the staging area.

c.     Commit – is the changed version of the project or file that has been updated and permanently saved within the repository. Old versions are also kept in case they are needed.

d.     Push – occurs when someone uploads content from the local repository to the remote repository so the commits can be seen by all participants in the project.

e.       Pull – is used to receive the file from GitHub. Basically, you are pulling the file from the remote server to the local repository. That way you can any changes that have been made on the remote server by other users and have the most updated file.

f.        Clone – this command is used to make a copy of the existing repository and place in a new directory. A person can clone a repository on the remote server and copy every part of that repository for their local repository on their own computer. The user can then make changes to the documents while offline and then upload them later.